How can I get help?

The best way is to use the HELP-FORUM. Sorry, that we can't answer general spring-mvc, sojo, jsonlib or XStream questions - it just takes to much time.


Does spring json-view provides all the features we know from spring-mvc?

Yes, spring-json supports all binding and validation features, like custombinding, error- and exception-handling


Does spring json-view streams the json result?

Yes, since release 1.2 we implemented the XStream support. The XStreamJsonStringWriter writes the generated parts of the json string into the OutputStream


The json string values are converted to strings. Is that a bug?

No its not a bug. The result json-string is a view representation of the model-map - analog the JSTL view, spring-json view converts all model-map values to strings. Sinse release 1.2 you can choose the mode what value types are kept in the "json typed string format"


Which json engines do you support?

sojo, json-lib and xstream
